Change Logs

v1.1.0 + v1.2.0   File Creation + WSL Support

Features 🎉


  • /sensei slash command which will help you learn by guiding rather than providing direct answers
  • /leetcode slash command, it will help you learn by guiding like a interviewer
  • Preserve extension state on import from vscode
  • Default PearAI Themes

🎉 v1.0.0   PearAI v1.0.0 - The Cupertino v1 Launch

Welcome to the future of AI-assisted development

PearAI v1.0.0 Dashboard
  • 🎓 Onboarding revamp
  • 🛠 Fixed "Continue generating" feature
  • 🔄 Model Choice on PearAI Server
  • ⌨️ Improved shortcuts
  • 🆘 Improved help window
  • 🔓 Enabled free trials
  • 🌐 Server improvements, added prompt caching
  • 🚀 Launched to public!

v0.0.3   🚧 Model switch feature & Bug Fixes

  • Huge refactor & Performance improvements
  • Added Mistral AI support
  • Easy model switching
  • Settings page revamp
  • Added FAQ Page
  • CMD+I context + options improved
  • @codebase searching enhanced
  • PearAI token refresh bug fixed
  • Onboarding flow revamp

v0.0.2   🌟 Claude Sonnet Model, UI/UX improvements

  • New AI Model - Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  • Shortcuts Bar
  • UI/UX improvements
  • Bug fixes, including some extensions not working

v0.0.1   🚀 Initial Launch

  • VSCode Fork - Feel right at home
  • Chat with AI models who have full code context
  • Tag your files @filename
PearAI v1.0.0 Dashboard