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✅ Tab AutoComplete

PearAI supports tab autocomplete, which predicts and suggests what you would type next as you're coding. Here's how to set it up:

Setup Guide

  1. Setup Codestral

    We recommend using Codestral, the leading model for code completion (or FIM — Fill In Middle). It's also open-sourced! You'll need to obtain a Codestral API key from Mistral API.

  2. Add to PearAI config.json

    Add the following to your config.json file (replace "YOUR_API_KEY" with your actual API key):

    "tabAutocompleteModel": {
    "title": "Codestral",
    "provider": "mistral",
    "model": "codestral-latest",
    "apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY"

  3. Enjoy the development speed up with autocomplete!


  • You can also use Supermaven for tab autocomplete. It is currently one of the best autocomplete AI on the market, and provides a free tier. You can get started by installing Supermaven directly as an extension within PearAI.

    Supermaven extension